Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How to Start a Revolution and Win

There have been so many Martin Luther King Jr. quotes on Facebook today, you would have thought that social media had risen up and finally done something about the all the racially charged police killings. Or at the very least there was a MLK Jr Day sale at the Piggy Wiggly. Instead, Facebook was complaining about a CVS burning down and some people using non-lethal force against the police.

Apparently when Jefferson said “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” he should have said
“gum, tic tacs, and 3 foot long receipt for them both”

Who the fuck knew that CVS meant that much to Americans #GiveMeCVSOrGiveMeDeath #WalgreensIsOkayToo

I didn’t know Americans cared so much about a store that I can only describe as a clusterfuck of made-for-TV-products and cheaply made movie candy.  But to be fair that’s how I would describe my bedroom as well. I am still a child.


Baltimore let slip the dogs of war last night, or that is what many in media and even more of my friends on Facebook would have you believe.  The media and my friends on Facebook that have been silent on the matter of Freddie Gray’s death have now taken to their statuses to let everyone and their mothers know that they do not support this violence. 

They know how to protest! They watched Selma in class for god sakes! #BirdmanWasBetter

You would think that after the silent killing of Freddie Gray that some property damage and some protesters throwing some rocks at cops would fail to shake anyone’s conscious. But low and behold, I was wrong again. Too bad I can’t drop a bucket of water on my head to put out the CVS fire or something really would have gotten done in this country.

But, I am not writing this blog to say that they are wrong for criticizing the riots. I am not writing this blog to say that they are doing more damage to the civil rights movement by changing the debate from black lives matter to not all cops are bad. Which is certainly a correct statement, but pretty goddamn ill-timed given the circumstances.

I am writing this blog to give some direction to the people who don’t know what to do. Who want to be part of the movement, but don’t agree with the riots. Because I am one of them.

If CNN captures one black man throwing a rock at a cop car amidst thousands of peaceful protesters, then there is the ball game. The right can label the protests as violent and sap any moral authority the movement might have had. No can support it. CNN will just keep playing the violent gifs of the rock like it is the worst BuzzFeed Article you have ever seen and instead of cats, you get fucking Wolf Blitzer and a graphic that gives half of the nation a seziure from all the flash bangs.

There has to be a better way, a peaceful way that works and doesn't cause any destruction, and there is. It’s just not with passive aggressive Martin Luther King Jr. quotes.

How to Start a Revolution and Win

In 1930 Gandhi walked over 250 miles to the Indian Ocean in order to make salt. Now that sentence doesn’t make sense to a lot of you, but you have to put yourself in the situation.

Salt is a necessary form of life. You can’t just drink pure water or you will die. Salt helps control your fluid balance as well as how your muscles and nerves work. Salt has been a necessary life force since the dawn of time. It’s just that Indians in the 1920s didn’t have McDonalds to over saturate our bodies with salt to a point that we would never need it again.

Gandhi made salt because it was illegal. Not only were Indians forced to buy salt from the British Empire, but they were taxed out the ass for it. By going to the Indian Ocean and making his own salt, Gandhi was able to show that India could support itself and began a salt movement that started in the arrest of 60,000 people and ended in Independence.

Salt was the weapon used to topple the British Army. An army that had an unbelievable chokehold over its crown jewel in the empire.  Now before you start throwing salt packets at the police, realize that you are stupid and that would not work today. We need a new weapon.

In 1965, MLK Jr. marched from Selma to Montgomery, but he was stopped by the police and the brutal beatings of the peaceful protesters shook the nation so hard that the Voting Rights Act was passed months later. It wasn’t the peaceful protests that changed anything, it was the inability of police to hold back their batons.

Now before you start marching on Washington thinking that is how you cause change, I have some news to tell you. That won’t work either.

The police have gotten smarter. I participated in a Black Lives Matter protest in Denver where they shut down highways, and made it safe and easy for the protesters to continue with their march. This didn’t get any media attention and the police were able to quell their demands with a simple barricade and a helping hand.

We need a new weapon for our generation. Salt was used by Gandhi but doesn’t hold the same weight today as it did in the Indian nation. Marching and holding up signs have done nothing but delay traffic and cause supporters to think that they did something to change the situation on the ground.

The weapon we have, the salt of our generation has been under our noses the entire time.

It’s the #Hashtag

Gandhi nor Martin Luther King had a weapon as powerful as social media. Clever phrases such as #BlackLivesMatter #HandsUpDontShoot allow anyone to participate in the revolution with a simple click of the share button and it actually does some damage.

By taking over the internet Kim Kardashian style, we can forward the movement to the peaceful uses of the internet and create an army that is massive, constantly active, and smarter than the opposition. Hashtags can be counted, measured, and politicians and policeman alike will not be able to ignore the numbers. Hashtags are the way we reclaim our democracy and include our voice in a world filled with noise.

So a smarter reader would say “The Black Lives Matter hashtag has been around since November and we still have police officers who commit murder and are rewarded with impunity and donations from assholes from all over the country!”

Nice vocab dear reader!

The reason this hasn’t translated to change is that we are using Facebook and Twitter too nicely. White culture is able to stay silent and they do stay silent until something like a CVS burns down and they can pretend like they were active all along and support the police that "put their lives on the line" while they drive in downtown Baltimore with a fucking tank!

If you think that's putting your life on the line, you should try being outside the tank.

Well let me tell you something, #YouDontHaveTheRightToRemainSilent. White culture has been silent for too long on the systematic killing of black men in this country. You can’t do that anymore. I won’t let you.

They cannot silence the color of their skin.  They cannot silence the blood spilt by their brothers and sisters. They cannot silence the cries of help of a paralyzed and dying Freddie Gray lying alone in his jail cell. You cannot sit by and continue to be silent on this matter either.

The only way this works is if everyone participates in the nonviolent hashtag movement. The Voting Rights Act only got pushed through after white Christians were appalled at the senseless beatings on the bridge in Selma and began vocalizing it in churches around the country. The only reason that Salt worked was it started to cut into Britain's profit margin and they were worried about a further boycott. The hashtag lets Wolf Blizter knows what's trending and what the people want to hear about. The people want to hear the entire nation say that Black Lives Matter.  They want the media to say Black Lives Matter. They want the police to say that Black Lives Matter. They want the President of United States to say we need more than a CVS in this country, we need a leader. 

Share this post, write your own, or find one on the internet, but I need to tell you that #YouDontHaveTheRightToRemainSilent

John Danger Kelly
Live Deliberately 

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